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Empowering  Success 


IAB 2022 - 2023

2023 Women's Entrepreneurship Conference Inspires All!!

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Who or what is your inspiration? Can you define the personality traits of a leader?

These topics and more were discussed Thursday morning at the first ever Smithtown IAB News Women’s Entrepreneurship Conference at High School East. More than 25 women entrepreneurs visited East to chat with and inspire our students from High School East and High School West.


The event began in the Little Theatre with Keynote Speaker Dr. Kimberly Cline, President of Long Island University. Next up was a panelists forum with six women entrepreneurs who discussed their "struggles and successes" to our students directly asking and answered questions. Students then began their "meet and greet" sessions with over 25 entrepreneurs from all types of businesses. The students spent 15 minutes at each table discussing main topic theme points before the bell rang and they moved to the next table.


Smithtown IAB Executive Director Phil Como said, “We want to give our students the tools to become empowered and realize that success is limitless.”


"You're Hired" Smithtown IAB Mock Interview Competition 

Students at High School East attended the Smithtown IAB annual "You're Hired" Mock Interview Competition Thursday afternoon. More than 25 Smithtown IAB Student Ambassadors participated in a mock interview event where they interviewed for three different employment positions. The IAB members were the interviewers, rated and selected the TOP Students who will "be hired." Representatives from Duck Donuts, Camps R Us and the Day Care Center at Ivy League were among the interviewers.


High School East Principal Robert Rose, Assistant Principal Nicole Stech, Career and Technical Education Director Christine LoFrese and Smithtown IAB Executive Director Phil Como were also on hand to support the students and event.


Smithtown IAB  Perfect Pitch Speed Networking Competition

A "Perfect Pitch"..for a Perfect Day!

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On January 19th, the Smithtown IAB hosted the 1st IAB General Meeting for 2023. The meeting was filled with student-centered events that showcased the talent of Smithtown and the involvement of our Smithtown IAB members. 

The 2022 winning Business Olympics Team, Krazy Kindness, (Sophia Giglio, Caileigh Harrigan and Victoria Geyer) presented their winning plan to our IAB members and then was presented with a Suffolk County Proclamation from Legislator Leslie Kennedy and Comptroller John Kennedy. The Smithtown IAB members were extremely impressed with the level of professionalism and skill sets that these students had in their presentation. 

The 2nd half of the IAB meeting was designated the running of our annual "Impress for Success" Perfect Pitch Speed Networking Competition. Over 25 students prepared their personal elevator through a speed networking webinar that was presented by Maria Frey of ECNY on January 9th.  Students had to "pitch" themselves in 3 different networking scenarios.  1. Formal Face to Face Networking, 2. Casual Standing Face to Face Networking and 3. Group Networking. The students participated in a total of 9 pitches.  A special thank you to all of the members who participated as well as Legislator Kennedy, Comptroller Kennedy, Dr. Simmons and Mr. John Savoretti (Smithtown Board of Ed.). 

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2022 International Career Day  Connects Students with International Careers

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On December 15th the Smithtown Industry Advisory Board, in conjunction with Smithtown World Languages, opened the “international gateway to careers” by holding our annual Smithtown International Career Day. Over 80 World Language and Business students from both HSE and HSW participated in this event where they were given the opportunity to listen to 2 keynote speakers, Mr. Kevin Devecioglu-Bimser International and Mr. Ed Zebro- Amazon Web Services, as well as participate in over 8 breakout sessions with 15 companies that have international connections and Long Island Universities that offer international majors and foreign exchange programs. Our speakers ranged from companies that deal directly with international artificial intelligence systems, ATOS, Inc. to two Smithtown HSW Alumnus, Mr. David Wallman(Morgan Stanley) and Mr. Phil Weiss(Allison & Partners) talking about international investment banking and international marketing/public relations. The students participating were enthused and inspired by the presentation! Special thank you to our Smithtown IAB International Connections Committee for helping to organize this event and to Moe’s Southwest Grill for sponsoring the food for lunch. International Connections Committee: Diana Riccoboni, Katherine Neumair, Doreen Kelly, Kathy Frevele and Stefanie Torlentino

2022 Smithtown IAB STEM Trade Show Brings Together Over 30 Businesses and Over 100 Students!!

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2022 Smithtown STEM Trade Show Success!!! Thank you all! After 3 months of planning our trade show was a huge success! The commitment of our school district, Smithtown IAB STEM members and our Long Island Colleges/Universities/Trade Schools proved to inspire over 110 students. Truly amazing!

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September 29th - 1St Smithtown IAB Meeting
Smithtown Alumni Reflections:
So  Why Was the IAB Important to You??

IAB Executive Planning  Meeting  Brings New Ideas for 2022-2023

On August 25th we held our Annual IAB Executive Planning meeting to help create the blueprint for the 2022-2023 school year. Over 35 IAB Committee Leaders, administrators and IAB Student Ambassadors attended this planning meeting with the goal of planning programs/events that center around our theme of "Empowering Success."  The positivity and energy from members was overwhelming as well all recognized how important the IAB is to our Smithtown students, local businesses and Smithtown community. Our first IAB General Meeting will be on September 29th, SHS West Library -3-5pm.   We are encouraging our business members to "Bring a Business Friend" to experience what we do in the IAB.

What is the IAB?

The Smithtown IAB is a group of dedicated partners who work with the students of Smithtown Schools to "ENHANCE" the valuable education already going on in the Classrooms of our District! 

The Smithtown Central School District's "Industry Advisory Board" is composed of representatives from the business, government, parental and the educational community. 

Want to learn more about the IAB's history? Click here!

Why Should you Join?

Why Should Business  Partners   Join?

Advisory Board Members have direct contact with students through participation in K-12 career fairs, classroom workshops and presentations.

Create links to Smithtown HS for Interns  & current or future employees

Advisory Board Members will participate in activities that will directly impact students

Contact Smithtown IAB

For any inquiries, please call or email Mr. Philip Como,
Executive Director


10 School St. St. James, NY 11780

631-382-2977 (HSW)

100 Central Rd Smithtown, NY 11787

I am interested in knowing more about the Smithtown IAB

Thanks for submitting!

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Yearly Projects/Focus:


2023- "Partnerships that Provide the Competitive Edge"


2022- "Empowering Success"


2021- ”Creating Connections for the Future”

2020- “Zooming” into Education with the IAB

2019- “Community and Schools working together”

2018- “Enhancing the Education students receive in the Classroom”

2017- “Building Relationships to Expand Horizons”

2016- “40 Years of Authentic Learning”

2015- “Pathways to Success”

2014- “What color is YOUR Parachute?

2013- “Building Relationships to Expand Student Horizons”

2012- “Empowering Smithtown Students for Global Success”

2011- “Keeping it Real for College & Careers”

2010- “From Backpacks to Briefcases”

2009- “IAB Apps: Real World Applications for all Students”

2008- "Technology is Now - Preparing students for the real world"

2007- "30th Anniversary - 30 years of outstanding partnerships"

2006- "Smithtown IAB - The best kept secret in Smithtown"


2005- "Showing the Opportunities"


2004- Career and Technical Endorsements


2003- Benchmarking Business and Education Standards


2002- 25th Anniversary - "Harmony in Business and Education."


2001- Careers for the 21st Century


2000- "Making Academics Count"


1999- "Imagine the Possibilities" - Preparing for the 21st Century!


1998- The New Learning Standards


1997- 20th Anniversary of Partners in Education


1996- School of Business


1995- Industry and Parents Partnership


1994- School-To-Work Transition Focus


1993- Career Pathways/Workforce Prep


1992- "The Changing Nature of Work - It's Impact Upon Education", and "Report Card from Industry on  Education".


1991- Explored the "New Compact for Learning."


1990- Creation of the "Employer Expectations Guide."


1989- Creation of "Career Planning Guide" for parents/students.


1988- Support for the nine period day at the high school.


1987- Creation and support for the "Senior Employment Seminar"


1986- Initiation of the School - Industry Partnership Program


1985- Work Attitudes, Ethics and Safety Training


1984- Programs for Youth at Risk


1983- The Regents Action Plan and its Impact upon the Schools


1982- Work Attitudes, Ethics, Safety


1981- Mathematics in the Workplace


1980- Business Education Curriculum and Equipment Update


1979- Creation of "Career Day" Program


1978- Support of Cooperative Work Experience


1977- Creation of the Industry Advisory Board

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